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"Revival is a renewed. conviction of sin and .. repentance, followed. by an intense desire.. to live in obedience to God."

 - Charles Finney


“…His Word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones.  I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.”

Jeremiah 20:9


Soldiers for Christ

"Your Instructions"

"Prepare for Battle"

"Make War"

"We are in a Battle"

"Spiritual Warfare"

"Soldier for Christ"

"Spiritual Battle Cry"

"Declaration of War"

"Build The Kingdom"

"Battle Lines Drawn"

"This is War"

"Gods Army"

"The Leper Church"


Great Commission

"The Great Commission"

"Lost at Sea" - wmv


"Hightways & Byways"

"History Maker"

"Here I Am, Send Me"

"I'll Fight"

"The Harvest in Plentiful"

"Rescue the

"Mr. Genor at
George Street"

"David Livingstone"

"Vision of the Lost"

"Weeping for Souls"

"The Great Commission Part 2"

Praying Effectively
For Lost Souls

Video - Intro

Video #1, #2,
#3, #4, #5, #6,
#7, #8, #9


Free Books

CD Tracts

CD/DVD Tract
Seed Sowers


Deliver Me



















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Revival Video





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Holy Bible


Heaven & Hell

Life After Death?

A Letter From Hell

Hell Real?

Shocking Proof #1

Shocking Proof #2

Bill Wiese

Click Here

On Fox News

Dramatized Gospel



What's it Like to Die?
Click and See


Life Everlasting

Altar Call
(Repent and Receive Jesus)

America Repent!


Pray For Us @


By His Stripes
By His Stripes



Is the Gospel Real Enough to tell?
"The Gospel Call"
"How Do You Know You Are Saved?"
- Audio
The True Test
- Are You Really?
- Regeneration
- My Jesus
- Ten Indictments
- This is War
- Jesus Died
- Radical Christian
- Wrath of God
- Jesus Christ is Everything
- For Him
- The Lost Doctrine
- Fallen Fallen
- Lord Lord
- Its Just the Truth
- Holiness of God Pt1
- Holiness of God Pt2
- The Greatest Words in the Bible

- Paul Washer

- The Fire Pt 1
- The Fire Pt 2

- Nate Pfiel

"How Much Sin Will Jesus Forgive in My Life?" - Video

- Luis Palau

"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God - Video"
Sermon Audio

- Jonathan Edwards

- Are You Safe
from God

- Jesus is Lord
- Prideful Men will
go to Hell

- Doctrine of Hell
- Fruits of Repentance
- Hell is Necessary

- Timothy Conway

Study Guide

- Mark Cahill

"Be Ye Ready"

"Christian by Name Only"

- David Wilkerson

"For The Love of God"
CD Label

- Dr James Laine

"Are You Really a Christian?"

- Todd Friel

"Don't Waste Your Life"
"Don't Waste Your Life"
"Joseph the Masai Warrior"
"Sexual Sin"

- John Piper

"Radical Christianity"

- David Lee

DVD Tracts

CD/DVD Tract
Seed Sowers







The Great Awakening


Whirlwinds of
Shaking Glory


Muslim Journey to Hope


To Hell and Back DVD


Ian McCormack DVD


Bill Wiese DVD-R


More Than Dreams


God's Wrath is Hell


The Cross
Jesus in China Pt 1


The Cross
Jesus in China Pt 2


Streaming / WMV
Jesus Christ vs Joseph Smith DVD


Creation Science - "Age of the Earth"


Creation Science - "The Garden of Eden"


Creation Science - "Dinosaurs & The Bible"


Creation Science - "Lies in the Textbooks"


Creation Science - "Dangers of Evolution"


Creation Science -
"The Hovind Theory"


Creation Science -
"Questions and Answers"-2 DVD-Rs


Creation Science -
"A Children's Video about Dinosaurs"

Thank you for visiting. Prepare to be shaken and revived with incredible testimonies, convicting messages, and the Word of God that will radically transform your life and the lives of many others.

Your faith will be strengthen ed as the result of listening. For faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). Please proceed with ears that hear and a heart that is opened to the Truth.

We encourage you to not only listen, but to download and to duplicate as many CD/DVDs and other material as you like as well as to distribute them to the maximum extent possible. Others can share by posting many of these links throughout the internet.

Click here for some techniques and FREE SOFTWARE for making your very own CD/DVD tracts.

Click here for a "List of CD/DVD Tracts." Start your own CD/DVD Tract ministry or consider partnering with us today.

If you are unable to make your very own CD/DVD tracts, you may:

1. Request these CD/DVDs for FREE from one of the CD/DVD Tract Distributors (aka "Seed Sower")

"I have been entrusted with a stewardship. What is my reward then? That when I preach the gospel, I may present the gospel of Christ without charge." 1 Cor 9:17-18

"Freely ye have received, freely give." Matt 10:8b

1. I Remember

2. Heavenly

3. Are You Hungry

4. The Second Coming

5. No Condemnation

6. No More Fig Leaves

7. The Father Loves You

8. Beginning to End

9. This is War!

10. True Grace of God

11. Overcoming Lust

12. A Call to Modesty

13. Jacquelyns Testimony

14. Is the Gospel Real Enough for You...

15. Wildernes

16. Travail

17. Marks Testimony

18. I AM

19. Gods Army is Coming

20. Clean & Unclean

21. All Will Rise from the Dead

22. Carol Kornacki
1. 7 Miles
- Video
2. A Little Rant
3. Absolute Certainty
4. Annihilation
5. Anxiety
6. Empty Tomb
7. Evil Exists
8. Evil Not Created
9. Glorified
10. Hard Truths
11. Prophecy

1. Unashamed
2. Christology
3. Wilberforce
4. Local
5. Everything
6. Wisdom
7. Unknown
8. Beloved
9. Freedom
10. Love
11. Trust
12. Suffer
13. Real
14. Truth
15. Lord

1. Count
2. Idols
3. He Did
4. Acts 17:11
5. Holy Ambition
6. History
7. No Boasting
8. Christ
9. Fear
10. Testimony
11. Near
12. Unworthy
13. Gospel
14. John
15. Life
16. Perspective

1. Be Different
2. Atheist
3. Check Yourself
4. Greatest Question
5. Sword
6. Cross Centered
7. Rescue
8. Kingdom
9. Follow
10. Bondage
11. Dream
12. Cross
13. Sin
14. Name

1. He Has Now
2. War
3. Rightly Handle Truth
4. Wrath
5. Americas Idol
6. Christ Is
7. Contra dictions
8. Guilty
9. Catherine
10. Jennifer Gaunt
11. Revolution
12. Elementary
13. Unity
14. Glory
15. Perception
16. Ravi Z.
17. King
1. Careful
2. Antinomy
3. Attachments
4. Reconciled
5. Agape
6. Hope
7. Trinity
8. Pride
9. Expressions
10. Justification

1. Justify
2. Word
3. Command ment
4. Ten
5. Solid
6. Go
7. Mouth
8. Humble
9. Conviction
10. Steve
11. Legalism

1. Imposter
2. Nature
3. Worthy
4. Desperation
5. Not-Doing
6. Basking
7. Dependent
8. Death
9. Radical
10. Mysteries

1. Godly Eyes
2. Off the Map
3. John Barrier
4. Live by Faith
5. Redemption
6. Tightrope Walker
7. Get Up
8. Where You Are
9. Awake & Love
10. Be Ye Perfect
11. Feed the Hungry
12. Mysteries of God
13. Securalism
14. One Thing

1. Blind Bartimus
2. Good News
3. Meditation
4. The Main Thing
5. Undeserving


1. Transition & Double Portion

2. Who is fulfilling your destiny?
3. Gospel of Accommodation
4. What are you waiting on?
5. The Disguise
6. Second Touch
7. Stirred
8. God's Wisdom
9. His Word - His Presence
10. A Life of Surrender
11. Were to be different
12. Conviction & Altar
13. Idleness
14. Python
15. Are You Saved?

1. Martyrs Prayer
2. Revival Hymn
4. Selah
5. Strong Fire
6. Holiness
7. Praise Him
8. One Thing
9. Love of God
10. Street Meetings
11. 4th Man
12. Captured by the Call

1. Hunger
2. Fire Minister
3. Go Out!
4. Forsaken Your 1st Love
5. On Fire
6. God Factor
7. Turn Back to Jesus
8. Last Call
9. Spiders Web
10. Are You Sure?
11. The Internship
12. Revival State
13. We are in a Battle
14. Hell - Igy Comp
15. Revolution

Message Mix
1. Music Revolution
2. Burning Ones
3. Living Passionately
4. God is Good
5. Arise and Shine
6. Mountain Chargers

The Gospel
1. One Minute Gospel
2. Conversion
3. The Simple Gospel
4. The Narrow Way
5. John 3:16
6. Have You Obeyed the Gospel
7. Gospel of Accommodation

The Word
1. His Word - His Presence

Good Enough
1. Good Test
2. The Perfect Mirror
3. Facing Gods 10 Command-

1. True Repentance

1. A Life of Surrender

1. Healing Isaiah 53
2. Let Your Keys Remind
3. Perverse Spirit

1. Holiness
2. Dying to Self
3. So Great a Salvation
4. So Great a Salvation Pt2


1. The Revival Hymn
2. Revive Us
3. Reality & Fire
4. Revival Fire
5. Revival Fire Part 2
6. Something has to change
7. Revolution Now
8. Revival State
9.Send Your Rain
Reality check
1. Wake Up
2. Know You are Saved
3. Eyes Glazed Over
4. Never Go Back
5. Forsaken Your 1st Love
6. Are You Sure?
7. Make Your Election Sure
8. Are You Saved?

1. Mr. Genor's Example
2. Where is My Harvest
3. Overcome Your Fears
4. Be Witnesses
5. Jesus to the Nations
6. Our Mission To Bring Light
7. Preach the Gospel
8. No Compromise
9. Go Out!
10. Use Me God
11. Weeping for Souls

1. Gods Hell
2. Judgement of God
3. God is a Killer Pt. 1
4. God is a Killer Part 2
5. Hell of the Bible
6. Instant Replay
7. Hell - Igy Comp
8. Damnation of Hell Pt1
9. Damnation of Hell Pt2

1. Fire and Reality
2. At the Feet of Jesus
3. Pursuing Jesus
4. Hungry and Desperate for God

5. Gods Crying for Intimacy
6. Hunger
7. Second Touch

1. The God Factor
2. Gods Custom House
3. Peace & Love of God
4. God's Wisdom

1. Eternity
2. Lukewarm Church
3. The Spirit of Elijah
4. Awake and Love
5. Jeremiah
6. Culture of Prophecy
7. One Thing You Lack

1. Christ Our Life
2. Are You Apostolic
3. Shake the Nation

1. Last Call
2. How Not to Be Deceived
3. Be the Church
4. Ladies - Dont Give In
5. Lay it Down
6. Living for God
7. Raise the Standard
8. Surrender
9. The Internship
10. What are we waiting on?
11. Stirred

1. Love of $$$
2. American Dream
3. Lion of the Tribe of Judah
4. Escaping Babylon

Religion vs Christianity
1. Religious vs Righteous
2. False Conversions
3. Demon Faith
4. The Prayer that Damns Many to Hell

Last Days
1. Discern the Times

Spiritual Warfare
1. We are in a Battle

1. Pride
2. Spiders Web
3. The Disguise

1. A New Generation
2. Signs of an Active Faith

1. Gime Some Sugar
2. Achariyth

End Times
1. Discern the Times
2. Super Church
3. Jesus is Coming
4. Signs of the Times

1. Invitation
2. Altar Call

Other Amazing

1. G. Foreman
2. H. Harris
3. T. Davis
4. Christian
5. Marvelous Light
6. Lost Catholic to Saved by Grace
7. Enslaved in Sin to Born Again
8. Freedom from Homosexuality
9. Whos Bigger then God
10. Racing into Destiny

Featured CD Tract

wake up

20 Minutes
That will change your life for
- CD Tract

Note: The CD/DVD Tracts are non-copyrighted and were designed to radically transform lives.

* Thanks to One-God Ministries for their fabulous CD Tract. Email them at [email protected] or visit them at

What's New

new20 Minutes that will change your life for ETERNITY! - Adult

new20 Mintues that will change your life for ETERNITY! - Youth

When Jesus Showed Me Hell - Hepzibah

The Gospel - Eric Ludy

Mom's Heaven and Hell Encounter

Jim Anderson - Heaven Testimony - Heaven Can Wait

CD Tract - Life Change - Tim Juillet - Colossians 1:13-14

Many of You are at a Fork in the Road - Choose the Right Path

The End is Here - Jesus is Coming Back Soon - Prepare Today

Urgent Rapture Message from Choo Thomas

A Song: Father of all Lies - Take heed that no man deceive you

He is Coming - Jesus is Alive - People Get Ready

We Will Ride - People Get Ready - Fill Your Lamps

CD Tract - New Creature - 2 Corinthians 5:17

CD Tract - Time is Fast Running Out - Victoria Nehale

CD Tract - Wake Up - 2 Corinthians 13:5

CD Tract - Revelations of Heaven to 7 Youths - (Dramatized)

CD Tract - Revelations of Hell to 7 Youths - (Dramatized)

CD Tract - Visions Beyond The Veil - H. A. Baker

Dan Bohi - Powerful New Testimony - Urgent Message for All

Prepare the Way of the Lord - Dr. Owour - Endtime Visions

The Revival Files

1. Sentinel Group Video Clips
2. Artic Fire Video - Streaming Video - Artic Fire Mp3
3. Carlos Annacondia Ministry & Video - Streaming Video
4. Song of Angels - Freddy Hayler Testimony & Ministry

5. "Burning Ones" & "Living Passionately" Music Mixes
6. "The Shillong Revival"
7. Young Girl named Unity Experienced Revival & Endtime Vision
8. " A Diary of Revival" - 1904 Welsh Revival Video Clip
9. " The Haystack Revival of 1806"
10. The Original "Revival Hymn" Video
11. The Revival CD Tract
12. All to Jesus" Video
13. Highways and Byways Revival Video
14. The Passion Promise Video - Audio
15. A Call to Anguish Video
16. Baptized by Blazing Fire - Zechariah 2:5 - Audio

S.J. Hill - Personal Revival #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Martyn-Lloyd Jones - Real Revival: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5

Jesus Set Me Free - Deliverance
set free
“If the Son therefore shall make you free,
ye shall be free indeed” JOHN 8:36.

1. Jesus Set Me Free Video
2. Awesome Drama Video about the Christian Life
3. The Freedom Video
4. Deliverance CD Tract - "Freedom"
5. Deliverance Insights
Featured Deliverance Testimonies
Bishop Earthquake Kelley Richard Madison
Shawn Patrick Williams Jeff Harshbarger
Texan's Story Frank Perez
Roman Gutierrez Testimony Kristen Andersen
Catherine Testimony Jennifer Gaunt
Ex-Korn Star Testimony Rocco Morelli
Afshin's Amazing Testimony Carol Kornacki - Testimony
Jesus Is Coming
Jesus is coming sooner than you think. May the following videos, audios, and visions remind you of this truth as well as stir your hearts. Prepare today for His soon return. There were approximately 300 verses in the Bible concerning His first coming, but they are even more concerning his second coming. Are you ready? Repent, and ask the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins and to save you now......because the time is short...tomorrow may honestly be too late.
Every Eye
Super Church
Audio Comp
Discern the Times Audio Comp
Featured Endtime Warnings/Visions
1. Freddy Hayler Endtime Vision-audio
2. Richard Madison Endtime Vision-Warning
3. Jesus Encounter & Endtime Warning - Bill Wiese
4. Jesus Encounter & Endtime Warning - Choo Thomas
5. Expanded Endtime Vision & Warning - Choo Thomas
6. Jesus Encounter & Endtime Warning - Jennifer Perez
7. Jesus Encounter & Endtime Warning
- Bishop Kelley
8. Rapture-Tribulation Visions - 8 yr old - Jannet B. Canela
9. Unity's End Time Vision - UPDATE - English Narration
10. Prepare for the Lord's Soon Return - Bernarda Fernandez
11. An Urgent Message for Today's Church - Ricardo Cid
12. "Be Ye Ready-No Joking Matter" David Wilkerson - Audio
13. Phenomenal Prophecy - Audio - Soon & Very Soon
The Vision of the Five Angels- Rev. Samuel Doctorian

15. Tommy Hicks' End Time Vision of the Body of Christ
16. Jordan Testimony - Did God speak to this 6 year old?

Dead Raisings
1. Officer Resurrected (Narrated) - Boris Pilipchuk
2. Dead Baby Lives - Father prays and rebukes death
3. Dead Man Raised - Daniel Ekechukwu
4. Dead Woman Raised - Fatuma Shubisa
5. Famed Doctor (Dr Crandall) Prays and Dead Man is Raised
Angelic Encounters
1. Angels Singing - Caught on Tape
2. Angels Dancing - Caught on Cell Phone Video Camera
3. Angelic Encounter -Eternity Unveiled- Dr. Albert Odulele
4. Working with Angels - Steven Brooks
Featured Videos

. 1. The Great Awakening
. 2. Whirlwinds of Shaking Glory
. 3. The Great Commission
. 4. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
. 5. God's Wrath is Hell
. 6. Keith Green - Asleep in the Light
. 7. They Sold Their Souls for Rock n' Roll Part 1
. 8. They Sold Their Souls for Rock n' Roll Part 2
. 9. They Sold Their Souls for Rock n' Roll Part 3
10. They Sold Their Souls for Rock n' Roll Part 4
11. The Burning Hell (Classic) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4,
12. The Burning Hell (Classic) Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
13. Is there really a Hell?
14. Letter from Hell
15. Countdown To Eternity - brazil - esp

Featured Testimonies
Bill Wiese
Bill Wiese
"23 Minutes in Hell"
Click on video / Bill Wiese Testimony
Translated in many languages
This is an incredible testimony of Bill Wiese and his 23 minute trip to Hell. Bill was placed in Hell not as a casual observer, but as someone who was not saved. He recounts all the horrid details with such precision that it captivates the listener from start to finish.
Jennifer Perez
"Hell is Real, I Went There!"
Jennifer Perez Testimony
Translated in many languages
Jennifer Perez, a 15 year old girl, is taken to Hell after dying and being judged by God as a backslidden Christian. God had mercy on her and called her back to witness what she saw.
Ian McCormack
"A Glimpse of Eternity"
Ian McCormack Testimony
Translated in many languages
Ian was night diving off the island of Mauritius when he was stung multiple times by Box Jellyfish, which are among the most venomous creatures in the world. His testimony relates how he clung to life while getting to hospital, was declared clinically dead soon afterwards, and how during this time he had an encounter with God, which radically changed the direction of his life. Click on the link above to hear what it's really like to die!
Bishop Earthquake Kelley
"Heaven, Hell, & Deliverance Testimony"
Bishop Earthquake Kelley Testimony - Audio/Video
Translated in many languages
A remarkable near death experience where Bishop Kelley was shown heaven. He was also given a powerful warning to the Church and to America. This is an exhilarating story about Heaven. As you read Bishop Earthquake's account, it will be as if you were transported to Heaven with him. Please listen with him as the Lord spoke and gave him a word for this generation.
Mickey Robinson
Mickey Robinson Testimony - Audio/Video
Translated in many languages

After surviving severe burns resulting from an airplane crash while skydriving, Mickey Robinson had a "Death's Door" experience and spiritual rebirth that radically changed his life. During the long period of time required to recover, he not only received several miraculous healings, but also struggled with finding his purpose in life.
Dr. Maurice Rawlings
"To Hell and Back"
Dr Maurice Rawling NDE Documentary - Audio/Video
Translated in many languages
Dr. Maurice Rawlings, MD, a heart surgeon, has written a number of books on the death experience and clearly shows from his own practice and from the experiences of his patients, that not everyone goes to the light when they die, where there is total love.  Many of his patients, after being resuscitated on the operating table, spoke about hell.
This Was Your Life

*Experience Your Life After Death!*

Click on tract for a review of your life.

Where Will You Spend Eternity?


"The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance." - 2 Peter 3:9 YouTubeVideos - Subscribe Today
Página Principal


- 5 Días en el Cielo e Infierno - Bernarda Fernandez
.. .- Niña de 8 años fue al Cielo y Infierno
... -
Revelación de 7 Jovenes-
Un Relato Verídico
.. .- Una
Revelación del Cielo y del Infierno a 7 Jovenes - Video
.. .- "De Las Llamas del Infierno - Ex-Bruja - Vilma de Souza
.. .-
Mi Viaje al Infierno y Cielo - Obed Pena
....- Ocho Horas en el Cielo - Ricardo Cid
....- Los 7 Ancianos - Vision y Uncion
....- Vida Nueva - Amparo Garay
....- El Infierno es Real y estuve Allí - Jennifer Perez
.. .- Ex-Homosexual sanado de SIDA - Samuel Velasquez
.. .- Pistachón Zig Zag, de Satánico a Predicador
....- Revelación Mas Grande Del Siglo
....- Ex-Mormon - Dr. Edgar del Valle Testimnio
....- Escapa del Infierno - Dionny Baez - video
....- Libertad de las Tinieblas - D. Ducasse Testimonio
....- Mas Testimonios ...

Cristo Vendra
1. Behold (En Español)
2. Cristo Vendra - Estas Esperandole?
3. Espiritu Ministrador
4. Los que se Quedaron
5. El Arrevatamiento
6. El Satanismo el la Musica
7. El Arrevatamiento 2
8. El Fin del Mundo
9. Cristo Viene Como en Los Dias de Noe# 1 / #2
10. Documental El Armagedo
11. Armagedon II
12. La Biblia - El Apocalipsis
13. Countdown to Eternity (Spanish)
Video Cristiano
1. Testimonios Impactantes del Infierno - "LA PELICULA "
- Video Previo
2. Video de un Angel - Un Pastor Lo Grabo en un Celular en Retiro de Jovenes en Honduras
3."Obstáculos en el Camino al Infierno" (Drama que explica el camino que sigue el alma desoyendo las advertencias de Dios para salvarle) - Descargar wmv
4. Testimonios del Infierno Series - Video Previo #1
5. Una Revelacion del Cielo y el Infierno - 1, 2, 3, 4
6. Libertad de las Tinieblas - D. Ducasse - wmv - en linea
7. La Voz de Cristo - Mi Esperanza (Progama 1) - en linea
8. La Voz de Cristo - Mi Esperanza (Progama 2) - en linea
9. Carta de Amor del Padre - en linea
10. La Tentación (Drama Cristiano) - en linea
11. Transformaciones - en linea
12. Lago de Fuego - en linea
13. El Dia del Juicio - en linea
14. Enviame a Mi - Jesus Adrian Romero - en linea
15. Infierno desde el Infierno - en linea
Un Seminario de Creación
(Por Dr. Kent Hovind)
1. Seminar Parte 1 - La Gran Explosión
(WMV - 384kbs / 305 mb) - Video en Linea
2. Seminar Parte 2 - El Huerto del Edén
(WMV - 257 kbs / 202 mb) - Video en Linea
3. Seminar Parte 3 - Dinosaurios y la Biblia
(WMV - 257 kbs / 204 mb) - Video en Linea
4. Seminar Parte 4 - Mentiras en los Libros Científicos
(WMV - 257 kbs / 292 mb) - Video en Linea
5. Seminar Parte 5 - Los Peligros de la Teoría
de evolución (WMV - 257 204 mb) - Video en Linea
"Pelicula de Jesus"
cristo... Plan de Dios

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