"Revival is a renewed. conviction of sin and .. repentance, followed. by an intense desire.. to live in obedience to God."
- Charles Finney

“…His Word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.”
Jeremiah 20:9

Soldiers for Christ
"Your Instructions"
"Prepare for Battle"
"Make War"
"We are in a Battle"
"Spiritual Warfare"
"Soldier for Christ"
"Spiritual Battle Cry"
"Declaration of War"
"Build The Kingdom"
"Battle Lines Drawn"
"This is War"
"Gods Army"
"The Leper Church"

Great Commission
"The Great Commission"
"Lost at Sea" - wmv
"Hightways & Byways"
"History Maker"
"Here I Am, Send Me"
"I'll Fight"
"The Harvest in Plentiful"
"Rescue the
"Mr. Genor at
George Street"
"David Livingstone"
"Vision of the Lost"
"Weeping for Souls"
"The Great Commission Part 2"

Praying Effectively
For Lost Souls
Video - Intro
Video #1, #2,
#3, #4, #5,
#7, #8, #9
Free Books
CD Tracts
CD/DVD Tract
Seed Sowers