Behold Bretheren! Thy Link is Broken! Repent & try again!

Possible Biblical Causes:

  • Baptist explanation: There must be sin in your life. Everyone else opened it fine. Repent and try again. Jesus will forgive you for this HTML transgression.

  • Presbyterian explanation: It's not God's will for you to open this link.

  • Word of Faith explanation: You lack the faith to open this link. Your negative words have prevented you from realizing this link's fulfillment.

  • Holiness Church explanation: Beware of false links, they come to you in HTML format, but inwardly they are 404 errors.

  • Charismatic explanation: Thou art loosed! I commanded this Link to OPEN, in Jesus name!

  • KJV explanation: Whither thou hast directed thine browser, it findeth no favor in the sight of the Lord. Turn thee from this url, and earnestly seek after wisdom and understanding. Abide in patience until thou art prepared; then, with the Almighty's guidance, venture forth to a new URL. The Lord Himself shall direct thy network unto a Page most righteous and pure, a HTTP path untainted and blessed."

  • Unitarian explanation: All links are equal, all links lead to God, so if this link doesn't work for you, feel free to experiment with other links that might bring you joy and fulfillment.

  • Episcopalian explanation: Why are you against homosexual Links? Don't be so judgemental, all links are God's links, even ones you don't accept.

  • Buddhist explanation: Clear your mind, you have not yet attained the level of this link, in your next life you will see and be one with this link.

  • Atheist explanation: Links Don't Exist! The only reason you think this link exists is because you needed to invent it. Science has proven that this page had no creator, but it came about by random HTML mutations over millions of clock-cycles.

HTTP 404 Error - File not found - Please Repent and try again.