An interview with Boris - an Internal Affairs officer in Ukraine.
1. My Testimony
INTERVIEWER: - I would like to introduce to you, Mr. Boris Pilipchuk, who is 36 years old. Please, Boris tell us about yourself.
BORIS: - I am an officer, a Senior Lieutenant on the police force. My position is that of a strategic duty officer in one of the operation sections of the police force in Khemlnitskij District of Ukraine. I fought in the Afganistan war. I am married with three children. We live in a village called Novaya Siniavka, in the Starosiniavskij region of Khemlnitskij District.
INTERVIEWER: - Boris, I know that you are a Believer. How did you get saved?
BORIS: - I was a strong atheist, but my wife and her parents were believers. They always wanted me to be saved. On September 16, 1996, Pastor Nikolai Ivashenko, of the Full Gospel Church in the town of Mariopol, came to our village, while he was in town visiting his relatives. My wife asked him to speak to me. However, she warned him that I lacked temperance, was very aggressive, and rude. The training I received in the army left a scar on my character.
When I saw Pastor Nikolai, I thought to myself, "Now, I'm going to teach you a lesson…" However, he walked up to me and began speaking. Suddenly, I began feeling a peace in my heart that I had not experienced since my childhood days. I was trained to give orders, or receive orders and carry them out. It was an environment in which normal human interaction was rare. Something on the inside of me was transformed as I listened to the words of Pastor Nikolai. When I heard the phrase, "Now we'll pray, repeat after me…" I repeated the sinner's
prayer. The power of the Holy Spirit came upon me and the Lord baptized me in the Holy Spirit. Ever since then, I dedicated my life to serve the Lord.
INTERVIEWER: - How did those around you react to this change in your life?
BORIS: - My mother was very indignant, at the beginning, because she did not know the Lord at this time. Later on, opposition at my work place began. They threatened to lay me off the job or demote me. They even went to the extent of trying to make me backslide, but I wasn't disturbed by this, neither did I worry. In the past, I would have been in a state of confusion, ready to relinquish my officers' rank. Now, this seemed absurd to me. God's word says that if you are taken to court, not to be anxious over what to say, for He will speak for you. So being confident in my faith, I said, " You cannot do anything to me, because the Lord is with me." So my superior officers had to submit to this. Not only did my colleagues adhere to this, they also listened, with pleasure, as I preached during my break period. I told every one about Jesus Christ, in the hope of winning one soul to the Lord. I won't go on to describe what hideous things I did before repentance, because the Lord has forgiven me of all my sin. I praise and thank Him for this. The Lord forgives all the sin of anyone who earnestly repents.
INTERVIEWER: - You are in the service and a believer - this is very unusual. Do people consider this to be normal?
BORIS: - I tell everyone that Jesus Christ is Lord over all, including men in the service. The Lord loves each and everyone the same. I have been asked several times, " How can you serve God, being in the service, handling weapons?" It is God's word that teaches us how to serve Him.
When John the Baptist baptized people in the Jordan River, men in the service came up to him and asked, "What shall we do?" He responded by telling them that they should be content with their wages. There is no place in the Word of God where it is written that men in the service should not serve the Lord. On the contrary, we know from the Holy Scriptures that two Roman officers repented and that they and their entire household served the Lord Jesus Christ. Each and every believer has a discrete ministry in God's sight.
INTERVIEWER: - Boris, I can see that you are in perfect health. Before your remarkable ordeal, were you in the same state of health?
BORIS: - Yes. Perfect health is a prerequisite to join the force. It was mandatory for us to undergo routine medical tests.
INTERVIEWER: - Please, tell me what happened to you.
BORIS: - I will recount how the Lord raised me from the dead. On the 27th of July 1998, I returned home from work to my village. Something happened to me that I cannot explain. I was completely paralyzed and I lost consciousness.
According to my wife's account, after I lost consciousness, I was rushed to the hospital and placed in the intensive care unit. Their diagnosis was - Brain hemorrhage. I remained there for several days in a coma. I was transferred to the intensive care unit of the Khelmitskij District Clinic. The doctors continued to fight for my life. However, I had a heart attack which lessened my chance of survival.
INTERVIEWER: - How serious was your brain hemorrhage?
BORIS: - I later found that the doctor had diagnosed internal bleeding in 95% of my brain. All the equipment and the sensors that were attached to my body indicated that I was dead. In their medical report, the doctors detected a hemorrhage that had spread all over my brain; all of the nine tests confirmed my death.
2. Death registered by the Doctors
INTERVIEWER: - Boris, from what you were told later, after the doctors certified your death, did they immediately call your wife?
BORIS: - Yes, they did and she was not the only person they informed. Actually, what happened was that every 15 or 20 minutes my colleagues called the hospital to inquire of my health. They were told that I was already dead. At my job, money was already being collected, a coffin was ordered, and every arrangement necessary for my funeral service was being set in motion. In a nutshell, preparation was made for my funeral. I think the sudden death of such a healthy police officer was a very stunning occurrence, which took everyone by surprise. This was clear, from the numerous phone calls to the hospital, from my colleagues.
INTERVIEWER: - Was your wife present with you when you died?
BORIS: - Yes, she was, but she was not allowed to be in the room. Later on my wife told me, that she constantly prayed to God over my salvation. When the doctors began to desperately fight to save my life, my wife phoned Pastor Nikolai in Mariopol. My wife told him what had happened and asked him to pray for me. While he prayed, God told him that the situation would not lead to death, but to the glory of God. He calmed my wife down and told her that a Christian Festival was underway in the town of Mariopol and that all the believers would pray for me. They prayed. During this time, events in the hospital were mounting. The doctors informed my wife of my death and after two hours she was permitted to accompany my body, on the stretcher, to the door of the morgue.
3. Medical information on the possibility of a dead person returning to life
INTERVIEWER: - For an understanding from a clinical point of view, we make reference to a directory of medical publications. In the Concise Medical encyclopedia (published by "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1974) the following is written:
Brain hemorrhage is defined as the disruption of normal blood circulation in the brain, which results in the death of the brain material (Part 1, page 506)
Resuscitation of an organism (reanimation) is defined as the restoration of a sudden disruption or total loss of life supporting functions of an organism. Clinical death is the last reversible stage of the death of an organism from the moment breathing and blood circulation cease to the beginning of irreversible changes in the central nervous system, after which death is referred to as being biological. The duration of clinical death depends on the reason that gave rise to the development of a terminal condition, the duration of dying, age etc. In normal temperatures, clinical death extends over a period of 4-6 minutes, after which the restoration of normal activities of the central nervous system becomes impossible.
Reanimation procedures should be started immediately after sudden death has been established. It is also recommended not to allow the complete ceasing of breathing or heartbeat. If the heartbeat is not reestablished, reanimation procedures are advised to be continued until they prove effective. Signs of effectiveness: Disappearance of cyanosis, noticing of spontaneous gasps (the sooner they begin, the better the prognosis), pulsation of the large blood vessels in accordance with the rhythm of the massage, narrowing of the pupils. If these signs do not appear in 20-25 minute, resuscitation procedures should be discontinued (part 2, page 270-271).
I know that doctors have certain rules, which can never be violated by anyone in any medical establishment. In their rules, a person who is lying in intensive care, in a condition of biological death, should not be there more than 2 hours and only after this the person may be transported to the morgue.
That means that after establishing the fact that Boris was in a state of clinical death, the doctors struggled for 30 minutes to save his life. While in the intensive care unit, over two more hours elapsed then biological death was confirmed. This meant that the irreversible processes and death of the brain matter had already begun. The time necessary for resuscitation after clinical death is about 4 to 6 minutes. Boris' death was confirmed by the doctors and by the medical equipment that was connected to his body.
4. “I saw heaven” - Boris
INTERVIEWER: - And now, Boris, tell us how you felt. What did you see?
BORIS: - It felt as if I was conscious. I began seeing with my own eyes. I began seeing everything as if from above. My spirit came out of me and looked at my body. Doctors in their white gowns had gathered around me. Numerous pieces of equipment were connected to my body. The doctors tried to stabilize my condition; they ran about, exhausting all their efforts, but to no avail.
Then I began to ascend towards heaven. The earth became smaller and smaller. It became so small, that it disappeared totally. During this entire time, I could hear a continuous whistling in my ears. I ended up in an extraordinary place, which was so illuminative that I began to feel good. I saw a golden staircase that shone with glorious splendor. The staircase was rather wide. On either side of the staircase were golden railings, along which from the bottom to the top were winged angels in white clothes, with golden belts. Their hair was white, their faces shone like lightning and their eyes were like two lanterns. Their hands and legs were the color of shiny copper chips. Around the staircase and under it, stood a great number of angels, these were without wings. All the angels were singing psalms in a language I did not recognize at first. After a moment I completely understood the words of the psalm. They sang: "O worthy are you Lord of all glory and praise. You, Lord, created the heavens and the earth. You are worthy of our praise!"
Then I saw an extraordinary light at the end of the staircase. The light wasn't like that of the sun or of a welding instrument, which has a harmful effect on the eyes. It was extremely bright, warm, calming, full of joy and peace. I was full of delight, to such an extent that mere words cannot describe how I felt. My delight continued to increase and there was no limit to the joy I felt. I don't know how to describe this vision, this feeling, in words, but I would like you to imagine the picture the Lord showed me. Later, I heard a voice, coming from the direction of the light, which said: "My son, come to me and I will show you something. I will help you".
From the great number of angels, two angels walked up behind me. One stood on my right and the other on my left, just a short distance from me. I didn't turn my head, I didn't look behind me and I didn't gaze around, but it appeared as if I could see 360 degrees about me. I wasn't nervous and didn't feel any form of discomfort. I was absolutely calm and so peaceful that words cannot express how I felt, not then and not now. I didn't ask anyone any question, such as where I was? What's happened to me? What will happen later on? I felt completely confident in myself, as if I was standing in a familiar place. I felt as if I lived there permanently.
Then the Holy Spirit, transferred me to a vast open plain, in which very beautiful white horses pranced. In the center of the field stood a great city, in the form of a cube. When I noticed it, I began to draw close to it. I approached it in a different way, not as a man normally walks on
the ground. I moved without my feet touching the ground. It was as if I was gliding. The angels escorted me. The closer I got the city, the more intense was the delight I experienced, from what I saw.
There were several very high walls of various colors. There were 12 colors in all, which radiated and shone like a bright light. (Later on, after my resurrection, when I studied the 21-22 chapter of the book of Revelations in the Bible, I found a confirmation of what I had seen). I saw the foundation of the city, which was made up of the 12 precious stones of this world. I saw a pearl gate, three large pearls on each wall. I didn't measure them, but one pearl was larger than two meters, in my opinion. I saw only six gates, because I was led into the city through one of its corners. I saw the two sides of the cube. Then l was taken through one of the gates into the city. As we passed through them, I saw two inscriptions. One was above the gate and the other was under the gate. The name of one of the tribes of Israel was written above the gate, and under it the name of an Apostle was written. Unfortunately I do not remember which gate led me into the New Jerusalem, but now I would like to know that.
When I entered into the city through the gates, I stood in admiration. The city was made completely of gold. The gold was so pure - I had never seen such brilliance before. I had seen how brightly gold articles in a jeweler's store shone, but this was not comparable, to what I saw at that moment. Gold streets, houses of gold, gold doors - everything was made of gold, transparent like glass. I could never have imagined that gold could appear transparent and so pure. I read about this in God's word, but I could not really imagine it. I just couldn't imagine how a hard metal could appear transparent. Now that I had seen this fine gold, I just wanted to touch it. I touched the walls and entered some houses observing everything. I did not ask the angels, where I was to go from here. I seemed to know the way. I was overcome with such a feeling as if I was in a place of my own.
As I continued further into the city, I was now near the center. I saw a large tree in one spot that had pear-shaped fruit on it. The size of the fruit was about the size of two average sized fists put together. The leaves on it reminded me of the leaves of a lime tree, only they were larger and like leaves of a burdock tree. When I got near the tree, I wanted to take a fruit from it and began to reach for one. Suddenly with enthusiasm I stretched out my hand, which to my surprise was not like an ordinary hand but was transparent. When I was about to pluck a fruit, the angel who stood a little distance behind me, on my right side, stretched out his hand and stopped me. Motioning with his finger, he informed me that for now, I shouldn't pluck the fruit. Without any form of regret or disappointment from the angel's action, I left the tree. Generally speaking, within the city, I never experienced any kind of discomfort, or disorder.
When I left the tree, I saw an extraordinary bright light at the center of the city. It was very interesting that I did not see a single shadow, not from the trees and not from the houses. There were no shadows, nor were there any lamps. I did not see the sun nor any object that gave light, but the light was extraordinary bright and so pleasant to the eyes. It was delightful beyond measure.
When I saw the source of the illumination, I bowed my head and felt an overwhelming urge to fall to my knees. But before I could bow, I heard a voice saying, " My son, I have shown you all that is necessary for you at this time, and you should return now, to declare My glory, power and dominion, to declare all that you have seen and heard". Then I began to pray and plead to the Lord, asking Him to let me remain there, where I was. I cried, "Lord I don't want to return". But the Lord said, "You have a wife, and three children. You have to return to them, for it is not time for you to be here yet". Then again I began to beseech the Lord saying, "Lord, I don't want to return. Allow me to remain with You". But the Lord said to me, "My Son, be meek and self-controlled, do not murmur, go back. You have to declare My glory."
5. Panic among the hospital staff.
BORIS: In the blink of an eye, I moved through space over such a distance that I saw the earth quickly approaching. As I advanced I saw the next scene: the hospital staff was taking a body, on a stretcher, to the morgue where corpses were kept. Looking from above, the body was covered with a cloth and only the feet could be seen. When I saw my weeping wife accompanying the stretcher, I understood I was the one being taken to the morgue. One of the hospital staff was comforting my wife, trying to tell her not to grieve over the incident and tried to prevent her from entering the room where they were taking the body on the stretcher. The doors ahead of my wife closed and the stretcher with my body on it was already in the room. The orderlies and nurses who had brought me to the morgue began to move away.
When I saw all this, I felt a jolt and immediately I entered into my body. At that instance, I felt the blowing of wind, an enormous force, which flung open the doors through which my body was brought. This force tore the doors off their hinges and they fell to the floor. It pushed the trolley with the body out of the morgue. After this, I rose up. The cloth on the upper part of my body fell off as I sat up on the trolley. The orderly slipping along the sides of the wall, fell and the nurse did as well. Both of them lay on the floor in a state of terror. Another nurse came and when she saw me sitting up, went into state of shock. The same supernatural power made the trolley on which I was sitting, stand upright, and I stood vertically on the ground. Then the trolley fell to its normal position and rolled back in to the morgue.
I wanted to move but could not. My body did not respond. I experienced such a feeling, as if I was not in my own body. Then I began to pray, because my senses were returning to normal. I saw everything, I recognized everything, I heard everything, but I did not recognize the voice I heard, it was melodious. The feeling was as if an audiotape was playing at a slower speed than normal. At that instant, I began to call upon the Lord, for the Lord gave me strength to walk. When I finished praying, I felt a great outpouring of energy. I felt as if the hairs on my head were falling off and a thousand needles pricked my forehead. I received such an outpouring of energy that I felt as if my feet were in asphalt. I felt warmth and a great power, from my head to my feet. I began to walk as the Holy Spirit led me, in the direction of the doctor's room, where all the doctors were seated. I had perfect orientation of the hospital's layout, seeing as I had been there on several occasions as a police officer.
My wife fell down on her knees, thanking the Lord, because he had resurrected me. When she came to herself, she took a cloth and ran after me to cover my complete nakedness. As I continued walking, the hospital staff all ran in various directions screaming out. Some of them fell down, while others shut themselves in the wards. My wife caught up with me just as I was approaching the doctor's lounge and wrapped the cloth around me. I reached the doctors lounge and with a gentle push, opened the door of the room. Later on, I learned that the room was locked with a key, and cupboards had been placed in front of the door to prevent entry into the room. The power of the Lord opened that door with such ease.
When I entered the room, some of the hospital staff were in a state of terror, while in the corner, other staff were frantically shouting out, "Who are you? What do you want from us? Let us alone!"
I calmed them down and said, "Don't be afraid. Give me some clothes." Looking in their faces, I saw they were stone cold with fear and indescribable horror. I understood there was no sense in explaining my resurrection to these poor frightened doctors. Whatever I would have told them, all the same they wouldn't have listened to me. The only thing they could hear was the pounding of their hearts. I repeated, "Give me my clothes and I'll go home". The doctors allowed me to leave quickly, because they were in such a state of terror due to my 6
presence. When I came out of the doctor's lounge, I stood a while in the corridor and surprisingly, my first four steps left something like a print of water behind, although I was completely dry and the cloth about me was also dry! I got dressed. My wife called a car and we went home.
INTERVIEWER: - Boris, I can imagine the panic and shock of the doctors, when they saw you. What they saw definitely did not conform with the training they underwent in medical school or to what they had previously experienced in their medical practice. It's clear that it wasn't death that scared them, because they encounter that everyday. Your resurrection is simply incomprehensible to the human mind. It's a fact that blood clots in a closed space like the brain couldn't possibly go anywhere and even more so, considering the degree of the hemorrhage - 95%. There couldn't possibly have been any mistake. After a futile struggle to save your life, your death was confirmed. All the medical equipment connected to your body, confirmed this fact. You were dead in their presence for about 2 hrs and 30 minutes and after that you were taken to the morgue. The irreversible process in the central nervous system had long taken place. It turned out that a dead man, didn't just breathe, but walked in seemingly of his own accord, and even spoke normally. Doctors understand the difficulty and the length of time required in intensive care for a patient to recover who has suffered from a brain hemorrhage. The doctors didn't expect such a miracle.
Furthermore, the resurrection was accompanied with such power of the Holy Ghost that the doors were torn from their hinges and fell to the ground with such a noise. The trolley rolled out of the morgue, over turned and then rolled back into the morgue. All this happened in the presence of the medical staff. The news of your resurrection had already preceded you. The doctors had locked themselves in the doctor's lounge and barricaded the door. The door being opened by the power of the Holy Ghost was something incomprehensible. They were in such a state of fear. The events that took place were just too incredible for the normal human mind to comprehend.
6. Stunned co-workers.
INTERVIEWER: And so, we stopped at the point where you were going home in a car. What happened next?
BORIS: I was on my way home, in complete health, seated in the front seat of the car. Along the road, we drove up to a road warden, a vehicle inspection officer, with whom I happened to work. When he saw me, he slumped to the ground. He sat on the ground for a long time stunned. My wife asked me to get out and tell him everything is okay, that I was alive. I said, "I will not do that because he may end up dying from fear".
The driver that drove us had to go into town for some personal matters and he quickly attended to them. We continued our journey into the village, and a police officer, whom which we drove past in his car, increased his speed and caught up with us in order to get a better look at me, making sure I was really the one. Seeing me he took off his cap, wiped away the sweat from his face, shrugged his shoulders and drove on ahead.
Within thirty minutes of my arrival home, my superior officer came to my house to find out if I was really alive or if the police officer that met us along the way was out of his mind. They just couldn't believe that after all that had taken place, I was not only alive, but also in perfect health and at home. They couldn't understand this. When I went out to meet them, they were afraid and began to step back, as if they had seen a ghost. I asked them to have a seat and began to speak to them about my resurrection. They began to nod their heads, but their faces revealed so much fright. Neither did they believe a word of what I said. They didn't even continue listening. They tried to leave as soon as possible, to avoid being around me for too long.
The next day when I arrived to work, my superior officer didn't allow me commence my duties. He said:
"I can not allow you to work, because after brain hemorrhage and other similar sicknesses that the doctor's discovered in you, you ought to have been categorized as an invalid. Considering your death and mysterious resurrection…"
· "But do you believe your eyes?" I asked him.
· "I believe", he said.
· "Can you hear me?"
· "I can hear you", he replied.
· "Can you see me?" I continued to ask.
· "I can see you", he said.
· "Then pinch me, perhaps you don't see me well. I am as healthy as you", I said to him.
· "That's impossible", he said.
7. Deductions by the Medical Committee - Completely Healthy.
INTERVIEWER: - Boris, you talked about the reaction of your colleagues, what about the doctors?
BORIS: - Yes, for two weeks, 15 different medical committees carried out medical checks on me, to determine if I could remain in on the force. The doctor's wanted to prove, that at least some side effects existed. It was impossible for everything to just vanish away without a trace. All their x-rays and their investigations testified of complete health.
A team of doctors, mainly psychiatrists and neurologists, came to a common opinion, that I am absolutely fine, that I could be admitted on a team of astronauts. I was allowed continue my duties as an officer in the district police office.
The doctors came to the conclusion, that I am well, however up to this moment they remain in a state of confusion. As the medical committee was carrying out their duties and the doctors affirmed that I was completely well, they didn't believe their eyes. Some of them said that if they hadn't personally written the diagnosis, based on the x-rays, cardiographs and many other investigations, they wouldn't have believed it. How could blood clots, within the brain disappear by themselves without any surgical procedures?
The doctors asked me to keep silent about all this, or else people would think I was crazy. But I know that every lie is a sin, as it is written in God's word, that all liars will have their part "in the lake that burns with fire…", and that they will not inherit the Kingdom of God. I told the doctors: "For the very reason I stand on the earth, after all that has happened to me, doesn't give me the right to remain silent. For as it is written in God's Word, that if you remain silent, then stones will sing out. They replied: "Well, that's your own business. We will not record your resurrection".
But the doctors that treated me, passed the diagnosis, and later certified death all repented. They all accepted the Lord Jesus as Savior.
I would like to say something in addition, that God doesn't only resurrect a person, in order to leave him crippled. He resurrected me to life and gave me complete healing.
I affirm this statement that God - is not an abstract being. He is a personality, who spoke with me. He is real and heaven is real.
8. What was all this about?
INTERVIEWER: - I addressed the Senior Pastor of the Word of Faith Bible Church, Pastor Sunday Adelaja, to kindly comment on what happened to Boris.
BORIS: - It's a rare occurrence to know that a person is resurrected to life in our days! When people hear about this, denial is the first thing that comes to their mind. Once dead, always dead. On the contrary, this was either clinical death and the doctors were able to resuscitate the person or an exaggeration - and people would say, " there was no death recorded in actual fact; this is just fiction. In short, any other thing may have happened, but not resurrection and what more…God? This is just fiction! We are intelligent people and we can not be deceived". This is the typical way most people think.
Don't be in a hurry to draw conclusions. By investigating and thinking over the matter, let us discuss what the Bible says about God and resurrection.
Scientists have already come to the conclusion that the Bible contains historical facts. That Jesus Christ did exists as a historical person. The teachings of Jesus Christ and His works confirm that He is the Son of God, and that He is God Himself. This was confirmed by signs and wonders (read the new Testament). He has been given all power in heaven and on earth. (Mat. 28:18).
In the Bible there are recorded cases of people being resurrected. Skeptics say, "But all this happened in the time of Jesus, God Himself did this". In the Word of God, it is written that the Lord does not change, that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8)
When we talk of something ideal, it means that that thing cannot be further perfected. God is perfect (Mat. 5:48) and therefore He does not change. So what He did before He will do again. His word does not change (Isa. 45:23; Titus 1:2). He is the truth (Jer. 10:10). He is eternal (I Tim. 1:17). He is the Creator of heaven and earth (Gen 1:1; 2:4; Acts 4:24)
The ways of the Lord cannot be searched (Isa. 40:28, Rom. 11:33, Job 5:9 Job 11:7) It is difficult for the human mind to fully understand the Almighty God. However, people often evaluate God by their own standards, they try to gain an understanding of how He does what He wants to do. But this is simply illogical on the part of humanity. Man cannot compare with God, neither can he understand His ability (Job 11:7, Ps. 145:3)
Unbelievers think in this manner, "if I can not understand how God works, then it simply can not be". They forget that in studying the laws of physics, they do not argue the fact that they can see only a narrow spectrum of light radiation, or hear definite sound frequencies, etc. The limitations of human capabilities are obvious.
It is understood, that not every one can become an artist, a singer, a mathematician or a machine operator, etc. As an example, not ever one would sit down to play chess with a Grandmaster, having actually evaluated their skill in this game. However, man has the audacity to evaluate God and determine His capabilities. For example, they ask, "Can God resurrect a person?" People love to criticize God and His work. People even try to question God, insisting that He may not have done something the way expected or something incorrectly. That is nonsense! This means that a person judges his Creator and a clay vessel commands the potter saying, "What are you doing?" (Isa.29:16, 45:9; Rom. 9:20-21).
We are so fascinated over the wonder of creation, however many people deny the wisdom and intellect that are responsible for it. They claim that nature itself is ingenious enough. They conclude that there is no creator to take the credit for such perfection. However, if you show them a television or a watch, they will say that it was created by an intelligent mind, and did not come about by itself. Now you see the contradiction and paradox of reasoning?
Looking at the Bible, I meditated on the resurrection of Lazarus…Jesus Christ loved Lazarus and his sisters Martha and Mary (John 11:5,35,36) I thought, why did Jesus delay, knowing that Lazarus was dying? Why didn't he immediately go to save his friend? Why did He allow his death to occur? Jesus Christ came only after four days, when the body had started to decay
already (John. 11:39). I understood that God allowed this for all to be convinced that Lazarus was really dead, so that God's glory, power and might would be revealed through his death. He showed us that there is nothing impossible for Him.
Listening to the testimony of Boris Pilipchuk, and seeing him absolutely healthy, we see the hand of God in this. God performed a miracle according to His own will…" I will do all that pleases Me", says the Lord (Isa.46: 10). In these last days the Lord has decided to reveal Himself through man, in this case through Boris. We cannot deny the fact of Boris' resurrection. This took place in our days, just like when the Lord Jesus Christ resurrected Lazarus.
The belief in resurrection is everyone's personal business. God has given man freedom of choice. Remember when Jesus was raised from the dead, not every one believed. However, the fact of resurrection is not dependent on our views. A fact remains a fact. We can obtain eternal life, only if we believe in Jesus and His resurrection. (Jn. 3:36). He is The Way, The Truth and The Life - Jn. 14:6.
I believe that through this testimony many eyes will be opened. People will understand that God performs miracles, that He is alive, real and the Almighty. They will understand that there is everlasting life that is being prepared for us.
"Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?" - Isa. 53:1, that is to say to whom has the Power of the Lord been revealed?
May the Lord bless and reveal Himself to all of you.
INTERVIEWER: - In conclusion, I express my confidence that many who have acquainted themselves with the testimony of Boris, will be convinced that for God there is nothing impossible and He performs miracles of resurrection in our day.
The audio and videocassettes (Russian only) of Boris Pilipchuk's testimony of resurrection are available at the Word of Faith Bible Church. You may acquire a copy for yourself.
Embassy of God
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