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"The Testimony of Heaven - Inside the Holy City"
Rev. Oden Hetrick

"I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows—was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell." 2 Cor 12:2-4  

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Audio Files

Part 1 (7:45 min) / Part 2 (47:23) / Part 3 (30:11) / Part 4 (3:50)

Video File


1.6 GB
English w/ Finnish Subtitles



About This Testimony:

Rev Oden Hetrick's "Amazing Testimony of Heaven"

The above audio/video is of an amazing interview with Rev. Oden Hetrick who visited

Heaven many times. It unveils amazing details of Heaven: The Holy City, The Tree of Life,

The River of Life, Mansions, Chambers, The Throne of God, The Sea of Glass,

Companionship & Intimacy and much more…

It was described like this:

God has truly blessed His own children with the release of this video . I really really hope

ALL here get a chance to watch and enjoy it all the way through . . so worth an hour or

so. This rich description of God's Heavenly City matches scripture as well . Beautiful

heavenly insight enhancing our anticipation for Him, and His joy for us.

After many years of longing for Heaven and much prayer, Oden Hetrick had a 'visit' from

3 angels who took him to Heaven, via Christ's instructions. Oden Hetrick has visited

heaven more than 80 times!!

During every visit he learns something new, and never forgets all he has learned and seen

in Heaven. Oden Hetrick saw where "God resides in the 7th dimension. He saw God's

Majestic Throne, it's beauty, glory and grandeur unimaginable for us to grasp. This City is

the Father's City, and Heaven is Jesus' Home. . . and where God is, we'll be there too,


and this….

Oden Hetrick explained that our physical bodies here reside in the 3rd dimension. When

we die, the soul is seen as a spirit body retaining and much more so, the senses of the

soul. We take these senses with us, memory, personality, our appearance 'recognizable'.

For the Saints, they wear the garments of humility, the garment of righteousness,

appearing long and bright.

Over these 2 garments, saints also wear a sleeveless coat-type 'garment' set with all

kinds of diamonds, rubies, jewels, very beautiful. This is the garment of praise.

The Spirit of God directs everything in Heaven, including the saints' heavenly thoughts.

There is such a yielding of the saints toward God in this holy City, they worship in beautiful

surrender to Him, their thoughts joining in Heaven's joy and love for the Lord, their spirits

full of God's Love, utterly glorious to behold.

The City is cubic with 12 gates. The gates are pearled, The closer the saints get to the

pearled gate, they can see through it. Then each saint walks through it, past the surfaced

'pearl' on the gate, and proceed nearer God's Throne. . .

Each saint knows each other due to their character, and light reflecting from them

because of Christ's Light upon them.

Please support the son and daughters of Oden Hetrick who are carrying on in the ministry.

Here is their ministry info:

Hetrick House Ministries
PO Box 99
New Bloomfield PA 17068


[email protected]

Product listing:                                                  Suggested Donation:


The Testimony of Heaven   -  DVD 2 hrs.....................$15

The Testimony of Heaven   -  2CD set 2 hrs
   this is the audio only of the DVD..............................$10

Inside the Gates of Heaven  -  Book.............................$10

Visit Heaven with Dad Hetrick  - 
       cassette (90 min)   ....................................................$5


Within Heaven's Gates
by Rebecca Springer ........................................................$5

Caught Up Into Heaven
by Marietta Davis  ..............................................................$10

Holy War 
by John Bunyan   ..............................................................$10

Thank you so very very much.


for the family
“Do You Want to Go to Heaven?"  

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