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- Actual Angels Heard Singing
- Angelic Testimonies, &
- A Heavenly Wind
- All Caught on Tape!

"Are they not all ministering spirits sent
forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?
(Hebrews 1:14)


About This Tract-

This CD Tract serves to edify the listener (believer or lost) in the knowledge that Angels serve such a divine purpose as mentioned in Hebrews 1:14. This CD contains actual recordings of Angels singing in the background of Church Worship. Please listen very carefully to these Angelic voices that exceed the human range and will leave the listener with a supernatural encounter with our living God.

It's my prayer that this CD will touch you and others in such a supernatural way that will take you to such a new level of worship and intimacy with our Lord. Fall in love now with such a loving and merciful God that desires that not one soul be lost but that everyone would be saved.

"Indeed it came to pass, when the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord, and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the Lord, saying:

'For He is Good,
For His mercy endures forever,'

that the house, the house of the Lord, was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God."

- 2 Chronicles 5:13-14

Praise Invokes the Presence of God (Praise and Worsip). The above text demonstrates the power of God's presence that results from corporate vocal praise. Note that: 1) God descended when the people were unanimous in their "praise song" (as at Pentecost when the people were gathered in one accord--Acts 2:1-4). The cloud of God's presence became evident when the singers and players praised the Lord in song and music. This is the praise that pleases God better than sacrifice of an ox or bull (Ps. 6:30, 31). 3) The house (temple) was filled with a cloud (the rich and abundant splendor of God). God's presence was preeminent and filled all of the sacred space. The result was that the priests were thrown to the floor and had to cease their work, for the Lord of "the work" was present (2 Chr. 5:14).

Remember, even in praise, thanksgiving, and worship, "God is not the author of confusion" (1 Cor 14:33). Anything said or done that draws attention to the praiser/worshiper and away from God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit needs to be reconsidered.

(1 Chr. 16:29 / 2 Chr. 20:15-22)

Duration: 62 minutes

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Angelic Encounters

From: "Choices for Living" - Jim Bramlett

In the past few years I have been able to acquire tape recordings of what appears to be angels singing, at four different locations, one in China and three in the U.S.

The tapes were buried in storage boxes until recently, when I decided to search for them and make them available on my Web site, with the volunteer help of my Webmaster friend, Mike Vest. This has now been done, and they are available at the links below.

Each link offers the best possible explanation of the circumstances.

The audio quality is sometimes very poor but it is the best we can do. For example, the Chinese recording was done with a cheap recorder in a home church in a small Chinese village. It is very weak, but we are blessed to have what we have.

Personally, I find all of them electrifying, and inspiring!

By the way, other examples of angels being heard, and even seen visibly, at other churches have been reported to me from time to time.

Enjoy, and join the angels in praise to our great and wonderful Creator and Savior!

Encounter # 1: Angels singing in a Maryland church

Encounter # 2: Angels singing in a Chinese church

Encounter # 3: Angels singing in a Florida church

Encounter # 4: Angels singing in a Kansas church

Someone has asked how do we know these are angels and not demons. Easy answer. Praising Jesus, the Son of God, is not in the job description of demons! They cannot stand to be around when praise to Him is going on, because that reminds them of their defeat on the cross.

Jim Bramlett


Jim's Article recently was published on the front page of the WorldNetDaily website:


Other Angel Encouteres can be found here:




Dramatized Gospel(MP3)


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